A Blog by Rick White

Monday Morning Mind Dump June 1, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — tpcpastor @ 3:27 pm

I have spent much of the morning on this first day of June just processing the past weekend. Here are some of the things going through my mind and heart right now:

  • Friday morning: In His Grip Golf Tournament was a huge success. The tournament was hosted with excellence and a significant number of unchurched men were part of this year’s tournament. Gerry James, Long Drive Champ, took golf to a whole new level. I have in my office the 1/2 plywood board that he drove a golf ball through.
  • After the tournament I played an additional 18 holes with the long drive champ. Big mistake! Very humbling. I did win one par three hole.
  • Saturday afternoon, beautiful wedding at the Scaritt-Bennett Chapel.
  • Saturday evening, stood by the bedside of a sweet lady in our church who is dying with cancer. She so needs a miracle and thousands of people have been praying for her. We have lost too many young adults to cancer in the past three years. I hate the word cancer.
  • Saturday night, Patti and I met Wayne and Anna Cordeiro for dinner along with our friends Duane and Cathy Ward. It was just a great night of sharing life together around a delicious meal.
  • At the end of the day I was stretched emotionally.
  • Sunday morning Wayne taught people how to gain wisdom from God by journaling. The light came on for so many people. We sold out of journals after the first service. If you did not get one we will have them this coming Sunday.
  • Sunday night Wayne taught our leadership team for about an hour. It was power packed and one of the most inspiring meetings I have ever been in. He has given us a whole new paradigm for service. Here are a few Wayne Cordeiro tidbits below:
  • Greatest test of a servant is when you’re treated like one.
  • Only difference between an ordeal and an adventure is attitude.
  • A mind will reach a mind but a heart will reach a heart.
  • We communicate with words, gestures and spirit.
  • Train your eyes to see what’s good. You will see what you are looking for.
  • Believe that you can change and believe that others can change.
  • Never give up!

I think I will be processing this past weekend for some time. What are you thinking about these days?




3 Responses to “Monday Morning Mind Dump”

  1. I am eagerly watching http://www.pclive.org/ for the service from Sunday & hoping that they recorded and release the presentation from Sunday night.

    I know there were great points people present missed & those who could not be there would greatly benefit from it, if you yourself took so many notes.

  2. Tim Richards Says:

    I miss you blog updates. How about sharing your thoughts about ManUp.

  3. Tim Richards Says:

    I miss your blog updates. How about sharing your thoughts about ManUp.

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